The interface method of the future? A collection of icons meant to help developers of multi-touch interfaces develop user manuals. An icon is worth a thousand words., more info at
Category: Design
Just F6 keyboard shortcut is a time saver. Incorporating keyboard shortcuts into your web browsing technique makes sense. Try it. From mooooo….. to Super Moo!
Short and sweet post with keyboard shortcuts: codinghorror
Simple and addictive. One of the 15 websites mentioned in ’15 websites that break the rules’
Hand becomes canvas for animal art
Very nice collection of animals painted in great detail on hands, from angel fish to alligators to bald eagles.

The original Barbie, based on a German doll named Lilli, was sold as a collector’s item for adults only. When Mattel purchased patent rights to Lilli, the company instructed its designer to make her look less like a “German street walker.”
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