
Emile de Antonio

“I don’t think history is Kleenex, it is not a disposable item you put to your nose and chuck out. History has to be recaptured – history dies unless we recapture it.” by Emile de Antonio (director 1968 anti-Vietnam War documentary In The Year of the Pig)

Design Interesting People

Street trials pro Danny MacAskill displays amazing skills

This seems impossible to me, even after watching it. Street trials pro Danny MacAskill seems to be a unity of one with his bike, doing moves and stunts that would be amazing even if he had been born a hybrid wheeled life form. Knowing he is bouncing around like a flea, with the accuracy of a gymnast, on a bicycle… blows me away.

image taken from: Andy McCandlish/Red Bull Photofiles


Making animation using Google Docs… wow!

Part of the big G’s new advertising campaign and because of that, or is it despite that? a pretty nice desplay of what can be done with skill, creativity and a bit of sweat equity. The animation is quite clever and created using only the tool set available via Google Docs.