
Best questions are like clean windows by John Swansky

“A clean window gives a perfect view. When we ask a question, we want to get a window into the source. When you put values in your questions, it’s like putting dirt on the window. It obscures the view of the lake beyond. People shouldn’t notice the question in an interview, just like they shouldn’t notice the window. They should be looking at the lake.” John Sawatsky

Interesting People Politics

Amy Goodman causes Olympic anxiety for Canadian border guard

Canadian border guards give Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! a thorough detention and harassment as she attempts to cross the border into Canada to promote her new book.

How is this in Canada’s border guards purview? Harassing a news anchor on a book tour? Over the Winter Olympics? After 90 minutes, when they finally let her in to Canada, it was grudgingly, still treating her as a persona non grata, limiting her stay to two days.

Design Generalissimo

Barbie was modeled on a German cartoon character, an ambitious hooker named Lilli

The original Barbie, based on a German doll named Lilli, was sold as a collector’s item for adults only. When Mattel purchased patent rights to Lilli, the company instructed its designer to make her look less like a “German street walker.”

from here:

Mattel finally learns how to “chill”


Cornel West stumps the mighty Steven Colbert!

Well, not really. A fun and playful interview.


And an older interview. The video is still available, despite what the image seems to say.

Interesting People Politics

“People with some of the smallest carbon footprints on earth are being displaced by companies with some of the biggest.” by Mark Schapiro

Corporate solutions seem to lose sight and punish the little guy even without actively willing it. They just can’t help themselves. It’s the nature of the belief system that the world needs leadership and you’re it. The little guy, living in their little world, with their little education just don’t get it.

Didn’t think I would find material to object to in buying up forest to preserve trees to hold carbon and trade those carbon offsets on the open market. But the rights of the indigenous people need to be respected, their use of the surrounding forest factored in to the equation. It complicates the formulas, but as long as their use requirements are sustainable in that environment I believe their rights need to be factored in, not factored out with restrictions, pressure and policing tactics (fines, jail, guns).

Watched it on DN! Mark Schapiro of the Center for Investigative Reporting. After traveling to Brazil, Schapiro writes, “People with some of the smallest carbon footprints on earth are being displaced by companies with some of the biggest.”

But thought he did a bit of a clumsy interview. Seemed to me likes to talk at length, not in short succinct live interview friendly complete thoughts, thus he wasn’t getting to the point in the time allowed. So I went to his Frontline piece and saw him present his argument in the way he is good at. And he makes a good point. Bellow is the first 2 minute video chapter of several chapters.

And here is the Mother Jones article GM’s Money Trees.